Kingdom of Egypt: Bolted silo for cement for asphalt for bulk material

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Cost-effective. And quickly installed.

Bolted silos are mainly used to store large quantities of various bulk materials, in particular gravel, hardcore, chippings and non-metallic minerals. The silos are manufactured with standard diameters of 3,600 mm – 82,000 mm. Cone inclinations

of 51°, 55° and 58° are available. The bolted silos can either be open at the top or have a flat or conical roof. The individual silo segments are prefabricated in our factory and bolted together on site quickly and easily by our expert staff. As the silos are divided into easily transportable segments, every site, even in distant areas, can be reached easily by lorry or ship. Our range also covers silo equipment, such as filters, overflow protection, inspection facilities and discharge equipment. We would also be pleased to take care of the conveyor systems required for filling and discharge of the silos.


Design with wear protection, e.g. rings in the cone, Hardox linings

Drainage cones with bar screens or sheets and pipes with slotted holes

Partition in single or double shell design

Multi-chamber silos

Breeches-type outlets for multi-chamber silos

Silos with extended substructure and intermediate platform as loading silos

Silos with roof

Silos with complete enclosure or enclosure of the support structure

Silo design to carry loads, e.g. filling equipment, screens and roof structures Industries for bolted silos

Cement & filler

Non-metallic minerals


Power stations

Mortar, plaster & paints

Transshipment facilities

Environmental and wastewater engineering